Inclusive role of sport
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Role of sport
The role of sport for change in society has been stressed at different levels. From a social perspective, sport can be seen as an open and inclusive activity where people can develop personal and social competences; -
What does sport provides?
Sport provides an arena for the development of social skills such as cooperation, socialization and intergroup relations;
What can sport serve?
Sport can serve as a safe space for one’s development of personal attributes such as punctuality, time and anxiety management as well as self-confidence;
Sport is widely proved...
Sports have been widely proved as a significant contributor to one’s personal development when referring to vulnerable or at-risk of social exclusion populations;
Specific objectives

Empowering Sport Methodology
Handbook based on a methodology that focuses on the inclusive aspects of sport participation. The methodology aims to foster social empowerment and integration of PwID;

“Easy-to-read” Sport and Games Guide
Guide with “Easy-to-read” method that simplifies writing process into small and important to the reader information, which combined with photographic material, is easily perceived by pwID;

Capacity Building Course
Capacity building course for professionals working with PwID aimed to enhance knowledge and skills required for supporting PwID to access in sport activities;

Web-tool for social empowerment used as a tool for triggering participants’ interest, and a means of communicating, disseminating and exploiting the project’s results.
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INSIDE project Results – IO1 IO2 and IO3
World Health Organization has recognized People with Intellectual Disabilities (PwID) as an extremely vulnerable group often subjected to discrimination and neglect. The INSIDE project aims to foster PwID’s inclusion by

Multiplier sport event – Croatia
As part of the multiplier event, HLA organized practical sports activities for people with developmental disabilities and other accompanying activities in the form of workshops and lectures with the aim

Multiplier sport event – Italy
Multiplier Sport Event Report On 17 December, the INSIDE multiplier sports event organised by US Acli took place in Rome: a national conference to present the project and its outputs

Multiplier sport event – Portugal
On the 13 December 2022, ARCIL organized, in partnership with the University of Coimbra, themultiplier event about the ERASMUS+ project INSIDE, on the topic of inclusion of persons withintellectual disability

Multiplier sport event – Greece
In the framework of the International Disability Day and for the purposes of the Erasmus+ program entitled “INSIDE-social INcluSion of people with Intellectual DisabilitiEs through sport”, a multiplier Event took

Multiplier sport event – Spain
As part of the multiplier event for project INSIDE, Barça Foundation organized 2 separate events: 1. Valls- Friendly match and lunch. Ability Workshop. With the slogan ‘I am capable’ and

INSIDE project partners held their celebration of the European Week of Sports (EWOS) during the last days of September, as a way to highlight and celebrate inclusion of persons with

EWOS – Croatia
Health Life Academy Association has organized an inclusive sport event for children and persons with ID in Čakovec, Croatia. Event was carried out in 2 days in which participant organisations

During the 29 and 30 of September the association ” HEALTH LIFE ACADEMY” held a Capacity Building Course seminar for experts who work with people with developmental disabilities. The seminar

EWOS – Portugal
The European Week of Sports (EWoS) was celebrated in Lousã in a series of events promoted by ARCIL. The EWoS took place between 26 September and 1 October 2022, with

EWOS – Greece
EWOS was organized with 2 events: 1. LET’S PLAY BASKETBALL 1.10.2022. The action will take place within the framework of social integration programs through the sport of the Earth Organization,

EWOS – Spain
During the European Week of sports, a friendly match was organized in the “Ciutat Esportiva Joan Gamper”, where Barcelona Football Club trains. Participating teams were Barça Genuine Foundation and Nastic

EWOS – Italy
The US Acli INSIDE event for the European Week of Sport was held in Rome on 27 September from 15:00 to 19:00. It was a day of sport and celebration

IO2 Pilot Test – Margarita’s hiking group
On 28/7/2022 Margarita's hiking group, followed a very interesting and easy route in the area of Penteli.

INSIDE – 2nd Newsletter
Project partners have launched 2nd Newsletter of project INSIDE that aims to promote social inclusion of PwID through sport.

INSIDE – Meeting in Barcelona
On 23rd- 24th of May 2022 INSIDE project partners held their 2nd transnational project meeting in Barcelona in Spain.

INSIDE – 1st Newsletter
Project partners have launched 1st Newsletter of project INSIDE that aims to promote social inclusion of PwID through sport.

INSIDE – 1st press release
1st. press release of the project INSIDE - social INcluSion of people with Intellectual DisabilitiEs through sport is out.

INSIDE – Kick off meeting
With the online Kick-off meeting. 2 year project INSIDE – social INcluSion of people with Intellectual DisabilitiEs through sport has officially started.